Amerix on Thread App


Below is Amerix thoughts on Threads App

The thread app is an Instagram page trying to masquerade as Twitter.


The people excited to be there are Instagram celebrities who failed to create their Instagram influence on Twitter.

Therefore they hope to have the "Twitter experience" but on Instagram.

Instagram has 1 Billion users and will therefore pull them to their thread page.

The users "unhappy" with Twitter are the liberals and left lunatics who are not happy that their degenerate agenda is now being called out on Twitter. They'd therefore prefer a platform that offers them protection to promote their agenda.

Here is what you should know

- Instagram (Thread) is a META platform.

- META has been stealing our private data to sell to corporates. This is something Elon has refused to do.

- META censors information that is not agreeable with the corporates agenda. Therefore wants to have a monopoly on information fed to the world.

- META runs active platforms for paedophiles, homosexuals and groomers. Instagram is an active platform for paedophiles.

- META has copied Snapchat, Telegram and is now copying Twitter with the blessings of global manipulators like Bill Gates and George Soros

- Masculinity gospel and the war against Big pharma cannot survive on META platforms. This can lead to censorship and de-platforming of users

Something else you need to know:

When Elon Musk made Twitter a free speech town square, the corporates did not like this.

Everyone can now get a blue badge regardless of their influence. We are all equal on Twitter. Celebrities and global buccaneers did not like this.

Then, there has been an influx of bots scrapping data and training AI models. Musk wants to stop this theft of private data that is sold to corporates.

Something else,

69% of Twitter users are MEN.

31% of Twitter users are women.

Women go where men live.

Children and boys follow women.

We saw this during the plandemic when Instagram celebrities lost their candour and glamour.

I am with Elon.

Twitter will remain a men's platform where there is order and discipline.

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